I made Giant Squid on Squidoo. To become a Giant Squidoo your must have 50 quality lenses. Found out on July 2. 2009. Below is a list of all most of my lenses, the way it is shown on my lensography. To see the full list go to Sandyspider on Squidoo Go there and congratulate me in the guest book. No need to be a member of Squidoo.
Health and Family
Are You an Internet Addict?
Internet addiction disorder (IAD) is excessive computer use that interferes with daily life. It becomes a compulsion behavior that completely dominates the addict's life. Internet addicts make the Internet a priority more important than family,...
Pregnant Over 40?
Old, middle age, one foot in the grave, half dead, over the hill and pregnant...How could a woman my age; in my right mind possibly have a baby? Sure it can happen. It happens all the time. After all, I'm not menopausal.
I can imagine when my daughter...
How to Have Fun Getting Fit
Fitness and fun can go hand in hand with the right frame of mind. We tend to think of exercise as boring. Obesity is a growing concern, especially in the United States and the European countries. It is so easy to get into a rut. Become couch potatoes...
My Quest to Become a Loser (Weight Loss)
There is nothing fun about dieting. Some people are so fortunate to never have a weight problem. Some years back I worked with a woman who all her life could not keep the weight on. Yet she was healthy. During the entire course of the day at work,...
Squidoo Resource Guides
HTML Text and Image Squidoo Tips
I am constantly working on improving my lenses to make them look the best that they can be. I was a Newbie when I joined Squidoo, July 2008. I wasn't familiar with how different type of text formats worked on Squidoo. For one thing Squidoo is a ...
HTML, CSS Backgrounds on Squidoo
I am constantly striving to beautify my lenses. Just like many Squidooers starting out, my first lenses are a little plain looking. However there have been vast improvements within Squidoo itself since I began Squidoo in July 2008. For instant, "Text...
Lens Rank and Traffic on Squidoo
Now that I have learned how to improve on the aesthetics of my lenses, it is time to find traffic. Without the traffic to your Squidoo lens (or even website) it really doesn't matter how beautiful you make your lens. Even with the best quality...
Squidoo Widgets, PayPal and Tools
Squidoo has some great internal widget modules. But what if you wanted to add a Playlist or a different type of Amazon module? This is where external widgets come in. Once you get the hang of it, it becomes easy.
Squidoo is a different type of Squid...
Travel Lenses
Wisconsin - the 30th State
Wisconsin became a state on May 29, 1848. It is part of the twelve Midwestern States. Wisconsin borders two of the five Great Lakes (Lakes Superior and Lake Michigan) and four U.S. states (Illinois, Iowa, Michigan and Minnesota). Wisconsin's capital...
Big Island of Hawaii
Aloha and welcome to beautiful island of Hawaii. This is also called the Big Island. We hope you enjoyed your 11 hour flight. Before you leave, make sure you have all your belongings. Check under your seats and the overhead cabinets.
Green Bay, Wisconsin
Here you will find that we are more than a football community. Although it might be interesting to know that we have the smallest city in the United States to host a professional sports team, the Green Bay Packers.
Green Bay has a west and an east...
CafePress and Zazzle Lenses
Winter T-shirts and More
Mid-western weather can be long. We have nine months of winter and three months of construction. OK, maybe a slight exaggeration!
I feel forced to stay in my house. Walks with my dog have gone from three a day to zero. He is getting fat and I am get...
Christmas Gifts, Cafepress and More
August 2008, I discovered Cafepress.com. Then the addiction began! I opened my first shop. I had debated on if I should go with the paid or free shop. Now I am glad that I have chosen the free shops. The slang, "Build it and they will come" does not...
Anti-Valentine's T-shirts, Gifts & More
>I entered my designs in the Cafepress.com Anti-Valentines Design Contest. This is taken off the site. Entering your design is over, but the winner won't be determine yet.
Enter the Shopkeeper Anti-Valentine's Day Design Contest...
CafePress Shop Pros and Cons
August 29, 2008, the addiction to having a CafePress Shop began. After reading over the two types of shops, Basic and Premium, I decided to start out with the Basic shop. Not wanting to spend any money. I will explain the difference between the two...
Custom Keds Shoes and History
Ked shoes come in many styles.
* Lace Up
* Wedges
* Skimmers
* High Top
* Mary Jane
* Mule
* Boot
* Sandals
There are many custom shops where "you" as the shop owner get to create your own design. Zazzle is one of those shops for custom Keds shoes....
Zazzle Lenses
Custom Postage Stamps and History
Letters were first hand stamped or postmarked with ink. Postmarks were the invention of Henry Bishop and were at first called 'Bishop mark' after the inventor. Bishop marks were first used in 1661 at the London General Post Office. They marked the...
Zazzle Shop Pros and Cons
Jan 2, 2009, the addiction to having a Zazzle shop began. (Any reference to starting in Dec. 2008 were incorrect.) Zazzle offers a free shop to set up. Here, I will break down the pros and cons of Zazzle with some comparison to having a CafePress...
T-shirts on Zazzle
The American T-Shirt began during WWI when American troops noticed European soldiers wearing a comfortable and lightweight cotton undershirt during the hot and humid European summer days. Compared to the wool uniforms that the American soldiers wore,...
Dog T-shirts on Zazzle
New on Zazzle starting this Spring of 2009 are dog t-shirts. I found this out while visiting someone's Zazzle shop. Some of the products on Cafepress like the dog t-shirt, clocks and teddy bear, I had wished they were on Zazzle. Now Zazzle finally ha...
sandyspider's Zazzle Gallery Showcase
Living in the snow belt of Wisconsin where the weather can be harsh, can warp the mind! That is why my designs look a little twisted. I started my Zazzle site when we were having a record breaking snowfall for the winter of 2008-2009. I envisioned...