Right before Christmas was here, I knew it was time to get my Valentines products on Zazzle in order. At the time I only had one product line called Happy Anti-Valentine's Day! I started this from a contest that was going on at CafePress. Then carried it over to Zazzle.
Not everyone is suffering from a broken heart. There was a need to start a shop for those who are in love or in like as one of my cards says. So now there are two other product lines. Vintage Valentine’s Day and Valentine's Day
Visit my Valentines Cards Zazzle lens and add your own shop and lenses to the plexo. Sign the guestbook (of course rating and favoring it is a plus) and you don't have to be a Squidoo member to sign the guestbook or add your Zazzle shop. But I do have a pet peeve. Many of my lenses do not have a pre-approval added to the plexos. This may soon change. Too many people add to these plexos and don't even sign the guestbook. To me this is rude. I always sign the guestbooks and usually favor and rate lenses.
If you would like to know more about Zazzle just send me a message.