These are my purple star lenses. You may write to and tell them how much my purple star lenses should be Lens of the Day. Or any of my other lenses that have been overlooked. All non-members are welcome. If you are interested in joining Squidoo then Join Here!
Someone told me that I was the best keep secret on the internet. I don't want to be a secret. Here spread the word that I'm out there. Nominate any of my lenses a LOTD. Christmas in Hawaii Planning on escaping to the warm tropical temperatures of Hawaii for Christmas?
Often we think of Christmas time, sitting by a warm fireplace sipping on eggnog or hot cocoa after a long day of shoveling snow from our driveway.
Hawaii is an exotic getaway from the cold, dreary and miserable Wintery season. At least for a week or two, an escape to Hawaii is the ultimate Christmas present.
Read more about this by clicking on the link above.
Happy National Zucchini Day! August 8 is National Zucchini Day or "Sneak Some Zucchini onto Your Neighbors' Porch Day." Due to overzealous planting of zucchini, citizens are asked to drop off baskets of the squash on neighbors' doorsteps. This might annoy some neighbors, but a nicer holiday than the "Place a Flaming Brown Paper Bag with Dog Poop on You Neighbors' Porch Day."
National Zucchini day is not to be confused with the April 24th; this is National Zucchini Bread Day.
How did this holiday originated?
Tom and Ruth Roy of Pennsylvania came up with the holiday along with 90 plus holidays that are out of the ordinary.
Read more about this by clicking on the link above.
Al's Hamburger Shop in Green Bay, Wisconsin Located under a sign that says, "Al's Hamburgers Eat" is a small white building sandwiched between two larger buildings. In all accounts, it is called "Al's Hamburger Shop." This small building looks as if it were an after thought (and maybe it was) added to where an alley separated the two other buildings.
Al's is a Green Bay landmark that "must visit" for tourist.
Al's Hamburger Shop has been around since 1934. A narrow building with a counter on one side of the room and about ten bar stools. Across from the counter (within a few steps from the bar stools), four booths are located by the other wall. The decor is what one would expect from a diner of the 1930's. The prices aren't 1930's, but very reasonable.
Read more about this by clicking on the link above. Note: this lens was nominated for the Giant Squid Awards of 2009.
Tagfoot is on a roll and making more widgets for us to add to our blogs and other sites. I have gotten so far behind with all of that. I will have to back track for all of this. Are there some people that haven’t been using them?
I updated my security firewall and antivirus software yesterday. Since then I can not reply, add a comment or send a private message to anyone on Tagfoot. I am writing this, so you know why I can’t participate in any way. It will only let me share a bookmark and to foot someone up, though I can not upload an image. This is the only way I can contact support. Hopefully will support will read this support and have an answer to my problem.
I am guessing that it is my software, unless support has put a block on me. I could use some help in order to participate here. My software is ZoneAlarm Security Suite.
I am able to go to your sites that you share. I want to thank those few people who have shared some of my lenses with others.
In the meantime, I will foot up people. For my friends, if you would like to send me your email address and we can communicate that way. Especially support if you would like me to communicate back to you.
Note: It must be my software. I was not able to upload a picture into this blog. It took me forever to upload it to Tagfoot, but it won't let me share it. I will contact a bigfeet and ask if he will share this.
Oct. 12, 2009 is the RocketMoms graduation day for Session 3. Unfortunately I missed out on Session 1, but was lucky enough to be invited for Session 2. RocketMoms is a social network club from Squidoo. This club has the smartest, brightest and most creative women. I am proud to be part of it.
Rocketmoms is an invite-only club. To qualify you have to be a mother, step-mother or grandma and a Squidoo lensmaster.
Each session contains several weeks of intense lessons. They have us grow into better writers, lensmasters and learn how to make money online.
When I agreed to continue on with Session 3, I decided to be a part-timer. But since I don't really do anything part-time, I finished all 8 of the assignments. Working with the RocketMoms has helped me achieve my Giant 100 Club statics.
Session 4 will begin Oct. 26, 2009 on how to make money on our Holiday lenses. I can't wait.
If you do any type of shopping online, BigCrumbs is the place to check first for you online purchases. I joined this site in April 2008. Even then, I forgot to take advantage of it! I have been a member of eBay since July 2006. If I had joined BigCrumbs back then, I can only imagine all of the cash back I would have received .
What is
BigCrumbs has been in business since October of 2005. It's a cash back program that let's you earn cash rewards on the stuff you purchase online already. Here's how it works:
1. Sign in to your account which is 100% free. There are no fees. 2. Choose one of 337 familiar online stores like Best Buy, Office Depot or eBay 3. Shop and check out!
In a few days you'll have received credit for your purchase. Once a month your account's balance will be deposited into your PayPal account! It is that simple.
You can even get paid with the referral program.
How can BigCrumbs do this? 1. The revenue comes from an outside source (the retailers) for whom BigCrumbs provides a valuable service. They believe that it's only fair that we share those fees with our members. 2. There is absolutely no obligation to participate in the referral program to benefit from their service. But it is an added plus.
I love growing tomatoes. They are one of the easiest plants to grow. Every spring we plant tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, potatoes and watermelon. We have had years with other vegetables like zucchini, pumpkin, corn, carrots and cabbage. If you have a small garden, don't buy too many tomato plants. They do have a tendency to take over.
Recipes fresh from your garden always taste better than from the store and are much healthy for you. Store bought vegetables (unless organic) have been sprayed with pesticides and may have been handled with unwashed hands.
When planting tomatoes choose a sunny spot, tomatoes love warm sunshine. Prepare the garden bed by adding compost to cover the top 3 inches of soil. Tomatoes demand a growing medium rich in organic matter. You can make your own compost or buy it at the store. Since tomatoes are versatile, if you supply a layer of rich garden soil, it will work well also.
Transplant the tomato deeply. Space tomato plants 18 to 36 inches apart. It is important to leave yourself enough space to get in between the plants to water and weed.
Water about 16 ounces of warm water per plant every day for the first 7 to 10 days after transplanting. Use a tomato cage or a stake to support the tomato vine about 14 days after transplanting. This will keep the plants upright. Make sure that you secure the plant to a stake using loose knotted double-loops that won't strangle the plant.
Read more about this from clicking on the title above.
Thank you Squidoo, this is my anniversary date of joining Squidoo, July 4, 2008. On that date, Squidoo was just another social network; one more avenue to advertise, get traffic and network with other entrepreneurs. It had not cross my mind that this was a real community and a unique club of some of the smartest, brightest people on the internet.
When I joined Squidoo, I had just started a website that April 2008 It came with a pre-made template which I modified. Not knowing much about HTML, it took a bit to figure it out.
Though, Squidoo is a different type of sea creature when it comes to HTML and CSS. Learning what works from the expert lensmasters has actually helped me with my blogs and websites.
Here is a special acknowledgment to all the lensmasters who have not only shown how to add a HTML or CSS script to your lenses. But those you have shown how to add widgets, special text, images, banners, free spacers and all the other Squidoo goodies that can help make your lenses shine. Many of these experts are included in my resource guide lenses. Click on title about to read more on the lens.
One Oct. 5, 2009, I became a member of the Giant 100 Club in Squidoo. What does this mean to me? This mean that I get to share this privilege with other lensmasters who have created 100 plus of tier best lenses.
Before Sept. 30, 2009, I applied for the 100 Club and kept my fingers crossed.
As a member of this special group I must keep up a high level of lenses, help out the newbies, and give out answers to questions that about Squidoo that I have an answer to.
According to Squidoo: THE GIANT SQUIDS What about the 100 Club? For existing Giants only The 100 Club is open to Giants who have been accepted to the program and have hit 100 great lenses. You can't skip straight to the 100 Club--you've got to start as a regular Giant first.
100 Club Giants get a few extra perks, like a turboboost for their single favorite lens, and special access to Seth and Megan and the Giant Squid Organizers for chats and such. Not to mention the pride of having 100 great lenses
In July 2009 I became a Giant Squid. Along with being a Giant Squid and beyond comes the stars. Squidoo lens Squidbadges explains this badge and stars as follows:
"Giant" badge: Giant Squids are distinguished by their exceptional skill for making top-notch lenses, and lots of them. Whenever you land on a Giant Squid's lens, you know the person behind it is passionate about the topic and is hard at work making the lens worthy of your time and attention. Giant Squids have 50 or more really great lenses, and they get quite a few perks for all their hard work. This is just one. Learn more about what it takes to be a Giant.
Gold stars: This shows that a particular page is a certified gold star lens, which means it's the best of its kind on Squidoo (or shows some serious potential for getting there.) When your lens gets a gold star, it also automatically gets a little LensRank boost. Not bad. For now, only Giant Squids can get gold stars on their lenses. But turn that frown upside down: All lensmasters are welcome to join the Giant Squid challenge and earn their way in!
Purple stars: They're heeeere. Bow down to the purple star. Only a few purple stars are given out each week, to exceptional NEW lenses created by Giant Squids. Read all the goods and news about purple stars.
I wonder if my first recipe lens Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup would of taken a purple star if I had been a Giant Squid at the time that it was published. It is a recipe that I have had created from my head and finally written it down. We also created a video on how to make the soup. I think it is worth a LOTD.
June 5, 2009, I took on the Rocket Mom challenge. Eight week course to work among the smartest women on the web, working together to make Squidoo lenses.
I made Giant Squid on Squidoo. To become a Giant Squidoo your must have 50 quality lenses. Found out on July 2. 2009. Below is a list of all most of my lenses, the way it is shown on my lensography. To see the full list go to Sandyspider on Squidoo Go there and congratulate me in the guest book. No need to be a member of Squidoo.
Internet addiction disorder (IAD) is excessive computer use that interferes with daily life. It becomes a compulsion behavior that completely dominates the addict's life. Internet addicts make the Internet a priority more important than family,...
Old, middle age, one foot in the grave, half dead, over the hill and pregnant...How could a woman my age; in my right mind possibly have a baby? Sure it can happen. It happens all the time. After all, I'm not menopausal.
Fitness and fun can go hand in hand with the right frame of mind. We tend to think of exercise as boring. Obesity is a growing concern, especially in the United States and the European countries. It is so easy to get into a rut. Become couch potatoes...
There is nothing fun about dieting. Some people are so fortunate to never have a weight problem. Some years back I worked with a woman who all her life could not keep the weight on. Yet she was healthy. During the entire course of the day at work,...
I am constantly working on improving my lenses to make them look the best that they can be. I was a Newbie when I joined Squidoo, July 2008. I wasn't familiar with how different type of text formats worked on Squidoo. For one thing Squidoo is a ...
I am constantly striving to beautify my lenses. Just like many Squidooers starting out, my first lenses are a little plain looking. However there have been vast improvements within Squidoo itself since I began Squidoo in July 2008. For instant, "Text...
Now that I have learned how to improve on the aesthetics of my lenses, it is time to find traffic. Without the traffic to your Squidoo lens (or even website) it really doesn't matter how beautiful you make your lens. Even with the best quality...
Squidoo has some great internal widget modules. But what if you wanted to add a Playlist or a different type of Amazon module? This is where external widgets come in. Once you get the hang of it, it becomes easy.
Wisconsin became a state on May 29, 1848. It is part of the twelve Midwestern States. Wisconsin borders two of the five Great Lakes (Lakes Superior and Lake Michigan) and four U.S. states (Illinois, Iowa, Michigan and Minnesota). Wisconsin's capital...
Aloha and welcome to beautiful island of Hawaii. This is also called the Big Island. We hope you enjoyed your 11 hour flight. Before you leave, make sure you have all your belongings. Check under your seats and the overhead cabinets.
Here you will find that we are more than a football community. Although it might be interesting to know that we have the smallest city in the United States to host a professional sports team, the Green Bay Packers.
August 2008, I discovered Then the addiction began! I opened my first shop. I had debated on if I should go with the paid or free shop. Now I am glad that I have chosen the free shops. The slang, "Build it and they will come" does not...
>I entered my designs in the Anti-Valentines Design Contest. This is taken off the site. Entering your design is over, but the winner won't be determine yet.
Enter the Shopkeeper Anti-Valentine's Day Design Contest...
August 29, 2008, the addiction to having a CafePress Shop began. After reading over the two types of shops, Basic and Premium, I decided to start out with the Basic shop. Not wanting to spend any money. I will explain the difference between the two...
Letters were first hand stamped or postmarked with ink. Postmarks were the invention of Henry Bishop and were at first called 'Bishop mark' after the inventor. Bishop marks were first used in 1661 at the London General Post Office. They marked the...
Jan 2, 2009, the addiction to having a Zazzle shop began. (Any reference to starting in Dec. 2008 were incorrect.) Zazzle offers a free shop to set up. Here, I will break down the pros and cons of Zazzle with some comparison to having a CafePress...
The American T-Shirt began during WWI when American troops noticed European soldiers wearing a comfortable and lightweight cotton undershirt during the hot and humid European summer days. Compared to the wool uniforms that the American soldiers wore,...
New on Zazzle starting this Spring of 2009 are dog t-shirts. I found this out while visiting someone's Zazzle shop. Some of the products on Cafepress like the dog t-shirt, clocks and teddy bear, I had wished they were on Zazzle. Now Zazzle finally ha...
Living in the snow belt of Wisconsin where the weather can be harsh, can warp the mind! That is why my designs look a little twisted. I started my Zazzle site when we were having a record breaking snowfall for the winter of 2008-2009. I envisioned...
I made Giant Squid on Squidoo. To become a Giant Squidoo your must have 50 quality lenses. Found out on July 2. 2009. Below is a list of all most of my lenses, the way it is shown on my lensography. To see the full list go to Sandyspider on Squidoo Go there and congratulate me in the guest book. No need to be a member of Squidoo.
It is not just the United States, but all over the world, the weather has been a bit weird. There seems to be a cool down, despite the Global warming. In fact according to the Old Farmer's Almanac: Global cooling may be underway for winter 2008-2009...
Santa is a jolly, chubby, white bearded man in the red suit. Over the centuries, customs from different parts of the World have come together and created the Santa Claus as we know him - the ageless, timeless, deathless man who gives out gifts on...
August 8 is National Zucchini Day or "Sneak Some Zucchini onto Your Neighbors' Porch Day." Due to overzealous planting of zucchini, citizens are asked to drop off baskets of the squash on neighbors' doorsteps. This might annoy some neighbors, but a...
December 8 6:00 PM. It started to snow. The first snow of the season and the wife and I took our cocktails and sat for hours by the window watching the huge soft flakes drift down from heaven. It looked like a Grandma Moses Print. So romantic we...
This is what the modern Christmas tree looks like today. They come in all different sizes to suit the house or apartment. The Christmas tree can be fir, pine or spruce. And even an artificial one. (Shown below) The First Christmas Trees! The last...
Originally, I became involved in my home business because I was excited by the comfort of working from home I wanted to supplement my primary income I loved the idea of flexibility I desperately need...
"Black Widow Spiders" video. Remember to come back here afterwards. Black Widow Video When I joined The Spider Web Marketing System, there was no mention of The Black Widow Partnership Program. And even when I logged into the Spider Web, there was...
Internet multi-level marketers, purposefully or not, side step the most efficient way to the use the internet and all that the internet offers to build business and social networks. Almost all MLM programs still rely on the old tactic of an ebook...
There are many different systems out there and the claims they make.
I've seen a lot of different schemes to make money on the Internet, and I know there are a lot out there that don't work. Personally, while investigating other systems in the indus...
Today I want to share with you a compelling story from Kimball Roundy, founder and inventor of The SpiderWeb Marketing System. It pretty much describes a lot of his struggles, and how he overcame them and established this awesome system. Personally,...
Border Collies have been well known to farmers as early as the 1700-1800s. Border Collies are the descendants of herding dogs used in many countries to help shepherds manage huge flocks of sheep and other cattle. This breed of herding dog that origin...
The German Shepherd is considered to be one of the newer breeds of dogs. 1891 became the start of the breed that we know today. A group of shepherding dog enthusiasts in Germany formed the Phylax Society with the intention of creating standardized...
Ringo Timm has been picked by Buddy Boy Mertens (German Shepherd) as his Canine Party vice presidential running mate, representing the Canine National Party. Just who is Ringo Timm?
Buddy Boy Mertens, the presumptive Canine Party presidential nominee, has teamed up with Ringo Timm, (Border Collie) as his vice presidential running mate. Buddy and Ringo were the head of the pack at the Canine N...
Is a German Shepherd right for you? How will you know unless you read the owner's manual? Too many pets are brought back to animal shelters or worse, because of inexperience owners. Not just the German Shepherd, but any pet. You need to know as much...
The American Kennel Club has compiled a list of the top 10 dogs of the year for 2008. Will this list change for 2009 and beyond? The American Kennel Club, a not-for-profit organization that maintains the largest registry of purebred dogs in the world...
Buddy Boy (Buddy for short) joined our family in August 2003. Born February 2, 2002, he had come from two broken homes and was serving time on death roll at our local Humane Society when he found us. He was not a social dog with his own kind. Buddy w...
Spider fighting is a big sport in Japan and the Philippines.
The Kumo gassen is an annual traditional event of spider-wrestling match. This event is a long unbroken tradition for four hundred years. Most people in Kajiki rear samurai spider. All the...
Hello, my name is Sandy. I have been in the internet marketing business in some form off and on for the last few years. But I have never really taken it seriously until this year.
I've always thought that it would be great to be my own boss and work...
Do you ever have one of those 'Dog gone missed opportunities'? This is when an opportunity comes along and you totally miss it. Then afterwords, you say to yourself, "Dog gone it! I missed it!"
This happened to me and I totally missed it. I failed...
Kelly Stones Squidoo Queen Version 2.1 Rocks the Market!
Find out how one very determined affiliate cracked the code to making easy money without any investment! The guru's despise her, her members love her and now she is bringing the blueprint...
Tagfoot Lens
The Best About Tagfoot Ever What is Tagfoot? Tagfoot is a no-nonsense social bookmarking, wishlisting, and tagging hangout where we find it, tag it, rate it, share it and talk about it. Free to join. Check it out and Join from my profile page
Education and College Lens
See where my daughter is going to college. Learn how to get the best deals on college textbooks. Lift off with Rockets for Schools.
On May 3-4, 1996, Rockets for School program first launched in Sheboygan, Wisconsin. 240 students participated in the first state-based Rockets for Schools program. NASA Administrator Dan Goldin addressed the students, along with astronaut Mark Lee....
Our daughter is a Junior in College this year. She is going to a public university or state university (which ever way you want to say it). There is no way that we can afford a private college. Tuition this year for the Fall Semester went up another...
It was September 4, 1995 in San Jose, California, when a computer programmer Pierre Omidyar put up "AuctionWeb" as part of a website for his online consulting firm Echo Bay Technology Group. Omidyar tried to register the domain name, but...
Chicken noodle soup has long been known as one of the best healthy comfort foods. When we think of chicken noodle soup, we feel emotionally secure. It is what our mother had given us when we were sick with a cold. Or even with the flu. I remember my...
It is March 18, 2009. I just got done watching one of my favorite TV shows, "Life on Mars". At the end of the program it was announced that the final series episode will be on April 1, 2009. How fitting is that. Where have I been? I didn't even know...
Summertime is the time for picnics and just cooking out in the backyard. Many people will grill hot dogs, hamburgers, brats, chicken, pork chops, steak,and fish.
Today, I will share with you a couple of barbecue recipes that are easy to make and so...
Pop art is an art that has regained popularity. The history of pop art emerged in the mid 1950s in Britain and in the 1960s in the United States. Now in the 2000s, pop art has regained popularity.
Pop art is about techniques of commercial art it...
Medicine and science fiction has always been a fascination to me.
I have an interest in the human body and how it works, especially the brain. The brain is the most complex organ in our body. It is the commander of how the rest of the organs...
Stephen King is one of my favorite authors. The first book of his that I read was "Carrie." Not the newer version, but his first published novel in 1974. Money was tight and and he had almost given up. Since then he has written more than 50 books. Ma...
The story line is about patients who check into Boston Memorial Hospital for routine operations and not checking out. Instead they are hanging in a room, in a coma like state. Never to wake up again.
Coma takes place in the mid 1970's. Dr. Susan Whe...