One Oct. 5, 2009, I became a member of the Giant 100 Club in Squidoo. What does this mean to me? This mean that I get to share this privilege with other lensmasters who have created 100 plus of tier best lenses.
Before Sept. 30, 2009, I applied for the 100 Club and kept my fingers crossed.
As a member of this special group I must keep up a high level of lenses, help out the newbies, and give out answers to questions that about Squidoo that I have an answer to.
According to Squidoo: THE GIANT SQUIDS
What about the 100 Club?
For existing Giants only
The 100 Club is open to Giants who have been accepted to the program and have hit 100 great lenses. You can't skip straight to the 100 Club--you've got to start as a regular Giant first.
100 Club Giants get a few extra perks, like a turboboost for their single favorite lens, and special access to Seth and Megan and the Giant Squid Organizers for chats and such. Not to mention the pride of having 100 great lenses
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