But it was much bigger and stronger than me.
I felt defeated, empowered and trapped,
Swallowed in the stomach of the foot,
As you can see.

How would you like your own picture in a foot like this. All you have to do is Join Tagfoot Add me as a friend, sandyspiderbite. Then go to my pics and leave a comment and foot the picture that you see here. Tell me which color (red or yellow) that you would like and I will create one for you.
If you are a Tagfoot member and came here to get your picture, just right click and hit save as. If you like my blog, I would love you to join as a fan!

Sites that Quesea and I have in common: (These are my links, but if Quesea can join my fan club or leave a comment with any of his links.)
Big Crumbs
And other bookmarking links that are associated through Squidoo.com

Sites that flipflopnana and I have in common: are the same as Quesea, minus Big Crumbs. But if flipflopnana knows more sites that we are connected, leave me a comment with any of your links. Join my fan club if you like.

Sites that cappuccino136 and I share are Squidoo and Tagfoot. If you know any more sites let me know.

Sites that funride and I share are Tagfoot. Let me know if you would like to add to this. To answer your question on "What does it feel like to be in a red foot?" Well, you will just have to experience that yourself.

Sites that Jacqueline and I share are Squidoo and Tagfoot. If you know any more sites let me know.

Sites that Poddys and I share are Squidoo and Tagfoot. If you know any more sites let me know.

Sites that jaguarjulie and I share are Squidoo and Tagfoot. If you know any more sites let me know.

Sites that topstuff and I share are Squidoo and Tagfoot. If you know any more sites let me know.

Sites that sandys5324 and I share are Squidoo and Tagfoot. If you know any more sites let me know.

Sites that rewards4life and I share are Squidoo and Tagfoot. If you know any more sites let me know.

Sites that ping and I share are Squidoo and Tagfoot. If you know any more sites let me know.

Sites that uninvitedwriter and I share are Squidoo and Tagfoot. If you know any more sites let me know.

Sites that Gandree and I share are Squidoo and Tagfoot. If you know any more sites let me know.

Sites that thepinkbookworm and I share are Squidoo and Tagfoot. If you know any more sites let me know.

Sites that Andypo and I share are Squidoo, Tagfoot and Zazzle. If you know any more sites let me know.

Sites that Lien and I share are Squidoo and Tagfoot. If you know any more sites let me know.
Thanks, it feels nicer than I thought LOL
I`ll join you on squidoo and twiter ;)
Have fun!
I love it!!! Awesome fun - Thanks!
Very cool, thanks very much Sandy.
This is a great idea.
Thanks Sandy, it looks really good!
Oh thank you so much Sandy, I love it. you are so clever :)
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