Bubblews, Squidoo, HubPages, Ezine Articles, Redgage and other writing sites. Tips on writing, networking and encouraging writers to contribute.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Christmas on Zazzle
Monday, October 12, 2009
RocketMom Session 3 Graduate

Oct. 12, 2009 is the RocketMoms graduation day for Session 3. Unfortunately I missed out on Session 1, but was lucky enough to be invited for Session 2. RocketMoms is a social network club from Squidoo. This club has the smartest, brightest and most creative women. I am proud to be part of it.
Rocketmoms is an invite-only club. To qualify you have to be a mother, step-mother or grandma and a Squidoo lensmaster.
Each session contains several weeks of intense lessons. They have us grow into better writers, lensmasters and learn how to make money online.
When I agreed to continue on with Session 3, I decided to be a part-timer. But since I don't really do anything part-time, I finished all 8 of the assignments. Working with the RocketMoms has helped me achieve my Giant 100 Club statics.
Session 4 will begin Oct. 26, 2009 on how to make money on our Holiday lenses. I can't wait.
Monday, October 5, 2009
How to Save Money Online With BigCrumbs

If you do any type of shopping online, BigCrumbs is the place to check first for you online purchases. I joined this site in April 2008. Even then, I forgot to take advantage of it! I have been a member of eBay since July 2006. If I had joined BigCrumbs back then, I can only imagine all of the cash back I would have received .
What is BigCrumbs.com?
BigCrumbs has been in business since October of 2005. It's a cash back program that let's you earn cash rewards on the stuff you purchase online already. Here's how it works:
1. Sign in to your BigCrumbs.com account which is 100% free. There are no fees.
2. Choose one of 337 familiar online stores like Best Buy, Office Depot or eBay
3. Shop and check out!
In a few days you'll have received credit for your purchase. Once a month your account's balance will be deposited into your PayPal account! It is that simple.
You can even get paid with the referral program.
How can BigCrumbs do this?
1. The revenue comes from an outside source (the retailers) for whom BigCrumbs provides a valuable service. They believe that it's only fair that we share those fees with our members.
2. There is absolutely no obligation to participate in the referral program to benefit from their service. But it is an added plus.
Click here to learn more about BigCrumbs!
Read more about this by clicking on the title above.
Garden Fresh Tomato Recipes

I love growing tomatoes. They are one of the easiest plants to grow. Every spring we plant tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, potatoes and watermelon. We have had years with other vegetables like zucchini, pumpkin, corn, carrots and cabbage. If you have a small garden, don't buy too many tomato plants. They do have a tendency to take over.
Recipes fresh from your garden always taste better than from the store and are much healthy for you. Store bought vegetables (unless organic) have been sprayed with pesticides and may have been handled with unwashed hands.
When planting tomatoes choose a sunny spot, tomatoes love warm sunshine. Prepare the garden bed by adding compost to cover the top 3 inches of soil. Tomatoes demand a growing medium rich in organic matter. You can make your own compost or buy it at the store. Since tomatoes are versatile, if you supply a layer of rich garden soil, it will work well also.
Transplant the tomato deeply. Space tomato plants 18 to 36 inches apart. It is important to leave yourself enough space to get in between the plants to water and weed.
Water about 16 ounces of warm water per plant every day for the first 7 to 10 days after transplanting. Use a tomato cage or a stake to support the tomato vine about 14 days after transplanting. This will keep the plants upright. Make sure that you secure the plant to a stake using loose knotted double-loops that won't strangle the plant.
Read more about this from clicking on the title above.
Thank You Squidoo and Fans

Thank you Squidoo, this is my anniversary date of joining Squidoo, July 4, 2008. On that date, Squidoo was just another social network; one more avenue to advertise, get traffic and network with other entrepreneurs. It had not cross my mind that this was a real community and a unique club of some of the smartest, brightest people on the internet.
When I joined Squidoo, I had just started a website that April 2008 ebooktreesaver.com. It came with a pre-made template which I modified. Not knowing much about HTML, it took a bit to figure it out.
Though, Squidoo is a different type of sea creature when it comes to HTML and CSS. Learning what works from the expert lensmasters has actually helped me with my blogs and websites.
Here is a special acknowledgment to all the lensmasters who have not only shown how to add a HTML or CSS script to your lenses. But those you have shown how to add widgets, special text, images, banners, free spacers and all the other Squidoo goodies that can help make your lenses shine. Many of these experts are included in my resource guide lenses.
Click on title about to read more on the lens.
Giants 100 Club

One Oct. 5, 2009, I became a member of the Giant 100 Club in Squidoo. What does this mean to me? This mean that I get to share this privilege with other lensmasters who have created 100 plus of tier best lenses.
Before Sept. 30, 2009, I applied for the 100 Club and kept my fingers crossed.
As a member of this special group I must keep up a high level of lenses, help out the newbies, and give out answers to questions that about Squidoo that I have an answer to.
According to Squidoo: THE GIANT SQUIDS
What about the 100 Club?
For existing Giants only
The 100 Club is open to Giants who have been accepted to the program and have hit 100 great lenses. You can't skip straight to the 100 Club--you've got to start as a regular Giant first.
100 Club Giants get a few extra perks, like a turboboost for their single favorite lens, and special access to Seth and Megan and the Giant Squid Organizers for chats and such. Not to mention the pride of having 100 great lenses