Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Today I Sold My First Lens – Let it RIP

Often I have thought about selling my lenses or writing for someone. I have never gotten around to posting it on a site of lenses for sale or my services offered, though I have in the pass received offers for lenses through email and have turned them down.

These have always been for lenses that I value. These offers for lenses that have been my very best, a Purple Star lens and in the top tier on Squidoo and never has an offer been for one of my lenses that are not quite the quality, at the bottom or I just don’t have a use for it anymore.

Not knowing what my lens was worth, I felt I had received a good offer. I had a couple days to think about this and wasn’t sure I wanted to sale this lens.

Now that I have sold it, this person has received a top notch lens. My lens was a Purple Star and had been in the top tier during June, July and the beginning of August, until I sold it.

Garden Fresh Tomato Recipes had everything that one could possibly think of. Not only were there recipes, it talked about my garden, how to plant tomatoes and how to freeze fresh tomatoes. Not to mention some Zazzle items and affiliate products. Now if you go to that link it will take you to a different lensmaster.

From my observation there are certain lensmasters buy top tier lenses; this gives a nice income from Squidoo. There is nothing wrong with this. In fact, I would call these smart entrepreneurs. Though I do find it funny reading the "About Me" Lensmaster SoandSo made 43 lenses from scratch.

I didn’t realize this at the time but my royalties will be going over to the buyer for the months of June and July. Also any affiliate sales like Amazon. And to just think, I had asked everyone to give it a boost because it was a little short of the top tier in July.

I’m not complaining about anyone, except myself. Do I have regrets. Selling off a lens is like sending your child off to kindergarten for the first time.

I do think that since it was my lens until August, all those sales and royalties should go to me. But it doesn’t work that way.

In our RocketMoms Group, lensmaster Treasures by Brenda gave the link to a new tool on SquidUtils Squidoo Lens Valuation. According to what my lens was worth minus the $26 for the last two months on Squidoo, $6 from Amazon, $8 taken out from PayPal and what I had gotten, I took a $104 lost. Or I can just say, "Hey I have more money in my PayPal account."

Will I sell a lens again?

If the opportunity is right and I now know the facts.


Aysha said...

It is weird that you wont get the June and July royalty..I mean the lens is his only from August...

well I guess this is a learning experience..Thanks for sharing this with us..so if we ever have a similar dilemma, we would know what to do...

Well dont feel bad..I am sure you would make more lenses that are just as good or even better..

ElleDeeEsse said...

Don't feel bad Sandy. I know I had mixed feelings but in the end I learned a lot from the lens I sold - both in creating it and in the process of selling it

Unknown said...

Sandy, You made the best decision you could with the information you had at the time, so don't beat yourself up over it. We all thought it sounded like a good deal.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I have a friend who makes quilts and keeps them all for herself. She has dozens and dozens. She just can't part with them. In that case, I think she's silly. Others could really use and enjoy her quilts. She rarely will even give one to her grown children and grandchildren. As for my lenses, though, I feel pretty much the same way about them. I had planned to sell some at the beginning of this year, but I haven't had the heart to do it. At least they're not stored away on a bed or in a chest.

Genesis said...

This is good information to have. I recently read about the fact that all pending amounts were moved to the new lensmaster, it's something that has to be considered in the price for sure.

I know it has to be hard to give up a lens, but maybe next time you could offer to do a new one for scratch, sell it for a little less and not have to feel so bad or worry about lost earnings?

spunkyduckling @ beetroot juice said...

Oh sandy..I don't even want to remind you or think about this situation but I can only imagine.
The other day I thought about selling my lenses but changed my mine. The offers were so low. I had to email all my responses and tell them I changed my mind. Glad I read this but sad too at the same time for you.

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