Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Have a Monster Squidoo Party

Won an award for the Squidoo Monster party challenge. My job was to help supply party favors and gifts to this challenge.

Here are the lenses that have been added. Please go to these lenses and vote on your favorite gifts.

My Top Ten Caps To Wear for Halloween
Modern and vintage Halloween caps for this magically and mysterious day are fun to wear. The Squdioo monsters asked me to pick out some caps to give away as prizes at the Halloween party.

These are my top 10 picks out of 30 Halloween caps located on Amazon that are also located on 3drose caps under Sandy Mertens.

Cast your vote below on which cap you like the best for the monsters to give out.

Ten Fun Halloween Stickers
Halloween stickers go great as trick-or-trick gifts. A great alternative to candy. These are also perfect to go with the Squidoo monsters Halloween party. The monsters asked me if I would help out with some party favors. The guest would love to wear one of these Halloween stickers. These are my top ten that I have chosen for this party.

All these stickers can be customized. You can change the image to one of your own and change the text or take it off completely. Change the background color too.

My Top 10 Halloween Pen Holders
Halloween pen holders go perfect with the Squidoo monsters Halloween party. The monsters asked me if I would help out with the party. There will be many games. Some games will be puzzle and guessing games involving filling in your answer on sheets of paper for prizes. Along with the paper, the monsters said they will need plenty of pens to pass out for the guess to play these games. I won't be supplying the pens, but I will be supplying the pen holders to go with the theme of the decorations. Help the Squidoo monsters decide which pen holder would look the best. Vote on my top ten that I have chosen for this party.

My Top Ten Vintage Halloween Pen Holders
Vintage Halloween button pins go perfect with the Squidoo monsters Halloween party. The monsters asked me if I would help out with some party favors. The guest would love to wear one of these vintage buttons. These are my top ten that I have chosen for this party.

All these vintage buttons can be customized. You can change the image to one of your own and change the text or take it off completely. Change the background color too.

My Top 10 Vintage Halloween Buttons
Vintage Halloween button pins go perfect with the Squidoo monsters Halloween party. The monsters asked me if I would help out with some party favors. The guest would love to wear one of these vintage buttons. These are my top ten that I have chosen for this party.

All these vintage buttons can be customized. You can change the image to one of your own and change the text or take it off completely. Change the background color too.

Ten Fun Halloween Stickers
Halloween stickers go great as trick-or-trick gifts. A great alternative to candy. These are also perfect to go with the Squidoo monsters Halloween party. The monsters asked me if I would help out with some party favors. The guest would love to wear one of these Halloween stickers. These are my top ten that I have chosen for this party.

All these stickers can be customized. You can change the image to one of your own and change the text or take it off completely. Change the background color too.

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