Thursday, May 19, 2011

Squidoo Will Get Rid of the Page Break Module

Getting an email yesterday for Giant Squids, it broke my heart and turned it blue. Why is it that every time I like something it is taken away?

More than a year ago, Squidoo introduced the Page Break module for the Giant Squids to try out. Since I am one of those lensmasters who tend to write very long lenses, this was ideal. I started with my ever-growing lensography and broke it down into pages. Since then I have done a number of lenses with page breaks. My latest one with my Squid Angel of Zazzle lens, with the idea for this one to have the main information of being a Squid Angel and what I would be looking for. Then the following pages would be those who I blessed for certain months.

Now Squidoo is doing away with the Page Break module. In the information given, we have a week to change our lenses or create new lenses. That really doesn't give much time.

The Squid team stated that nothing would be lost on these lenses. The page breaks would be turned into text modules. Of course, where I have throughout links to the other pages won't make any sense and will have to be taken out.

Last night I decided to start making new lenses, starting with the one I thought would be the easiest. My Squid Angel of Zazzle has two additional page breaks for the months of Feb./March and April/May. I created a new lens for Feb. and March blessings. If it was going as easy as transferring the information from one lens to another, that would be great. However, it is not, modules need to be recreated, though the information can be copied into those modules. After two wasted hours with my new lens and foreseeing many more hours of work involved, I deleted the new lens.

I think I will just let them be for now and fix them or break them off into other lenses if need be down the road. It is not like these lenses are getting heavy traffic as is anyway.

These are some of the lenses. With over 260 lenses, if is hard to find all of them. Read them before they are changed. Give me suggestions on how to break these up into smaller lenses too.

nternet addiction disorder (IAD) is excessive computer use that interferes with daily life. It becomes a compulsive behavior that completely dominates the addict's life. Internet addicts make the Internet a priority more important than family, relationships, health and work. Just like gambling, excessive gaming, a growing sexual addiction or compulsive shopping. Read more, take the test and add to the plexos at: Are You an Internet Addict?

The print on demand shop, Zazzle has been an addiction for me since 2009. Living in the snow belt of Wisconsin where the weather can be harsh, can warp the mind! That is why my designs look a little twisted. I started my Zazzle site when we were having a record-breaking snowfall for the winter of 2008-2009. I envisioned this snowflake with a wicked face. It is how I felt about the weather. Read more on the product lines in this article of Sandyspider Gifts Zazzle Showcase

Have you seen a spider crawling around? Perhaps a creature that is a little unusual, offbeat or twisted. How about one with a gray body and a human face? If so, then you have seen a sandyspider; a strange but virtuous spider. She will not tangle you up in her web of deception. Nor spin you around and around with strands of her fine threaded silk. Even if it is only to help feed her little ones. No! There is no reason to be afraid. This spider won't even bite...MUCH! See most on my lenses featured here on the worlds longest article. Sandyspider on Squidoo

Blessed by many angels since being part of this wonderful Squidoo community back in July 4, 2008 and I have often thought what it would be like to be a Squid Angel. The confirmation came on Feb, 12, 2011. Now I am ideally an Angel for: the neighborhood of Internet > Ecommerce Tips > Zazzle Sellers and Tips.

If you have Zazzle lenses that really didn't have a place to fit, now you do. See the lenses for the months of Feb., March, April and May that have been blessed. Also read what it takes for me to find your Zazzle lens. Squid Angel of Zazzle

If you have stumbled on here and don't know what Squidoo is, it is a Social Network where you can write about almost anything and get paid royalty. It is free to join and extremely addictive. Don't take my word for it!
Join Squidoo here!

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Lou16 said...

I don't have any suggestions for you Sandy, just lots of empathy. I have a few lenses that work really, really well with the page break too.

It's funny, but I was thinking oh well I only have a couple when I got the email and then I was updating a lens and it was a page break lens that I forgot was a page break. When I sat down and looked at the list of lenses I realized I had quite a few of them :(

Kriti said...

Will definitely check out Squiddo - thanks for this Sandy!

Tony Payne said...

I have to admit that I don't like the page breaks. I find them very unclear to see on a lens, and more than once I have wondered why a lens seemed incomplete and had no guestbook.

My take on what to do with overly long lenses is to split them into multiple lenses with an index lens.

That ought to get more traffic in total, and it ought to be possible to create an attractive index module at the beginning of each lens (page) in the suite.

Each lens in the series can then have an appropriate long tailed url, which can't be a bad thing.

Just my 2cents on it.

SandyMDesigns said...

I just finished changing two of these into one long lens. A lot of work. The Squid Angel one will stay as one lens. But the Sandyspider Gift one is extremely long. When I have time, I will make that one into several lenses.

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