Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Do we ever outgrow coloring books?

My daughter is a college student and she is always asking for a coloring book. When she is at home we will color together. Coloring in these books give us a calming feeling. It takes the stress out of the day. Who cares if I will occasionally color outside of the lines!

My friend Summer has created some wonderful line art coloring books. This is not line art just for children but for adults too. Go to Color-Your-Own.com for over 300 Free Printable Coloring Pages. Then go to her store at http://www.e-junkie.com/color-your-own for a large selection of downloadable coloring books.

The picture above is to her big e coloring book. 368 pages geared towards adults and older children. These pages contain nature, wildlife, pets, Christmas, Halloween and more. Reasonably priced at $6.00 USD.

Other line art ebooks are priced as low as $2.00 USD. All this is original art from the artist herself Summer Fey Foovay.

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